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Ep 35: Our Guide to Manifesting

Updated: Jul 6, 2023

Manifesting. It's our thing. Sure, we're known for yoga, meditation, and for running retreats. But the thing we do really well is manifest. And teach others how.

And when we say, "teach others how", we don't just give you the steps to do it. We're living examples.

If you've been following us for a while now, you'll be witness to all that we've manifested in a very short period of time. Four years ago, we were the new kids on the block. Now? We have a thriving yoga studio and retreat space, live in our dream home, and have a beautiful family unit.

All of these manifestations are our external pay-offs for creating an internal world of alignment.

When we talk about manifestation and teaching others how, Renee always remembers a beautiful keyboard warrior commenting on one of our workshops, "Manifesting is just for the privileged". But everyone can create alignment internally for external manifestation, regardless of their upbringing, their experiences, their status, and their income. If you want to see a living example of this, check out CEO and best-selling Billy Carson's story.

There's also this perception or idea that manifestation is just "using the Universe as your own personal vending machine". But our process is actually the exact opposite: the external things you receive are a by-product of the internal experience.

Manifestation often conjures up a lot of preconceived ideas of lists, vision boards, and of sitting around meditating. And, while all of these are valuable tools, it's not the process we use.

The process we use is actually crazy simple! However, as with all big and positive changes in life, it does require commitment and discipline; it requires you to show up every day.

The commitment is worth it. Our process has profoundly changed not only our own lives, but the lives of others, too. Since running our first workshop in 2017, each workshop is now a sell-out, and they've created great change in ripples, enabling people to create the lives they want to live and bringing their dreams to fruition. Take Courtney, for example, who went from an office job to owning her own dream singing and music business with her husband.

Our process was born from Renee's journey and guidance. Back when she was living in Sydney and working in film and TV - as she said, fulfilling her ego but not her soul, and getting pretty over it - she started leading a small manifestation and meditation group weekly, going through what we now know to be our process for manifestation. Each week, Spirit would ask Renee to "write that down". Once Renee had embarked on her transition and returned to Newcastle, Spirit asked Renee to go back to her book and to share it with others.

Our first tip for manifesting? Be prepared for sh*t to get weird! Prepare for all of the "how did that just happen"s, the "why did that just happen"s, and all the mindblowing "couldn't even have planned this"s. Because this is exactly what happens when you get your sh*t in gear with manifesting. And, most importantly, when you feel you are worthy of receiving all that you desire.

Our Guide to Manifesting

Step 1: Find Your Vibration

Find your feeling. Find what it is that you want to align with, and break that down - reverse-engineer. Start with what it is that you want. Envision that perfect life/house/job/partner/etc., and then notice how it makes you feel.

Remove the external "stuff", and connect to just that feeling. Meditate on it, hone in on it, and create more of it.

Hold the vibration, and then drop even deeper - what's underneath that?

Go deep until you experience a feeling you can't even describe any more. And hold it and let it flood your body daily.

Doing so sends out a beacon to the Universe. As the Law of Attraction states, the Universe will respond with all of the ways it can assist you in receiving that feeling.

The Universe communicates in feeling and vibration, and, in our consciousness, that translates to emotion. So, when you connect with feeling and emotion, you're speaking the Universe's language, allowing you to open a dialogue of "this is what feels really good in this lifetime" - and the Universe will show you all of the ways you can feel it.

Don't just feel and meditate on your vibration, your feeling. You also need to consciously consider the ways you're blocking it. Manifestation requires self-awareness and self-work to uncover and shift self-sabotaging beliefs, habits, conversations.

Step 2: Conscious Decision Making

Now that you have your vibration - your beacon, your compass - it's time to make conscious decisions that align with it.

When making decisions, consider: what sparks or enhances that vibration and feeling, and what shrinks it or sends it away?

Your mind will get in the way. It has programs around what it thinks is possible, what it thinks you're worthy of.

Use tools, like muscle testing and a pendulum, to assist you in getting a clear answer around how something aligns.

Step 3: Inspired Action

It might feel scary and intimidating, but you need to lean into the discomfort and to follow through.

It's beautiful to know what you want, to feel the feeling, to sit in meditation, to create the vision board... but you need to take action!

Taking action might include both big and small action steps. Sometimes it's a lot of small ones as opposed to taking one huge leap of faith, and other times it is making really big changes.

Without action, it can't come into your reality. The Universe is providing you with opportunities: if you're not taking them, and not keeping up your end of the bargain, why would it continue?

As Murray says, it's time to lean the f*ck in! Taking action is the most important step for manifesting, and for making it tangible.

External support is really helpful here, especially for those moments of fear where the ego wants to sustain what is known (and therefore safest - more on this in Episode 34).

Taking action becomes easier with experience. With experience comes trust around decision making and action taking.

We're a living example for taking action. We went from living a pretty cruisy life, with lots of holidaying, to quitting our jobs, ending the lease on our home, and signing onto our studio lease without one single paying member. We knew to trust the Universe. And in the first day we opened, we had acquired enough members to cover all expenses, with a tiny bit leftover - which is pretty unheard of in the small business and yoga world! Same deal when we started dreaming of our forever home: we kept sitting with the vibration daily and trusted, and on the date we handed in the keys to our rental, the property we live in now put up the for-sale sign. We trusted, we stepped in, and we're now very grateful.

So there you have it. This is how we manifest. And how we've broken it down for others.

We're definitely not telling you to just do the scary things and see what happens. We've done plenty of 'hold your breath' things where we could have lost everything, and we know what that's like.

Trusting and having people around you is so important.

If you want more support and to dive in more deeply to your manifesting journey, we're here for you.

We offer an online course, The Practical Guide to Manifesting, where we walk you through finding the feeling and all of the things you need to hold and maintain it, how to muscle test and pendulum for aligned decisions, and how to take inspired action.

And we are absolutely thrilled to be offering our Manifesting Weekend retreat at Sunquncha Temple from 4-6 August 2023. We'll spend the whole weekend not only teaching our manifestation process, but embodying it with you. Over the weekend, we'll all manifest - and commit to diving in and showing up without the distraction of daily life - together, witnessing the real-time unfolding of manifestation in action! We're so excited!

The retreat is limited to 14 places, and quite a few have already sold, so go online or reach out for a payment plan NOW if you're feeling the pull!

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