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A library of resources to support you anywhere, anytime.

Thank you

for bringing a little bit of Sunquncha into your home.

Sunquncha is Quechua for 'heartbeat', and, depending on its context, the word can mean to weave or to create ‘with the heart'. So, from our heart to yours, we offer these at-home practices and support to nourish you on your journey toward great change – toward the evolution, growth and development of your self.

These offerings are designed to serve you; both before and after retreat, or perhaps to give you a little slice of the magic if you haven't been able to visit us yet.

This online space is an extension of the work we do on the land at Sunquncha: guiding you as you drop deep down into your heart, reconnect with the passions that set it alight, and realign with the purpose truest to your ‘sunquncha’ – to your heartbeat.

As we reach out into the ether to connect with you, we hope you receive and remember the wisdom that is already living within you, and reconnect with the heartbeat of your truest self.

Monthly medi membership

You want ease, expansion, flow, synchronicities, and the support of the Universe.
You start with a daily meditation practice.

Your daily meditation practice will deepen your connection to your higher self.
It will align you with your truest frequency and purpose.

Your daily meditation practice will support your intention-setting before immersing in retreat.
It will support your integration after your retreat.

Your daily meditation practice will serve as an opportunity to check-in.
As a light on your dashboard to let you know when you need to start switching up your self-care, and when you need to reach out for a bit more external support.

With over 60 meditations and channellings to choose from, you can keep your favourite on repeat or explore a new meditation each day.

*The Monthly Meditation Membership is $30AUD on an auto-renew subscription, charged monthly from the date of initial sign-up. There are no contracts – you can cancel anytime via our app or website, or by contacting us directly.

online workshops

Manifesting & Channelling

Ready to start co-conspiring and co-creating with the Universe?
To make all that magic just that bit more 'real'? Here we go…


‘Channelling’ describes using your physical body, voice, or creative skills as a channel for an energy without physical form in this dimension.
To become a channel is to be of service to this world – to bring in energy that otherwise would not exist here, and transmute it into a form others can experience


This workshop is for those who...

  • are curious about channelling

  • are starting to hear, see & feel beyond the physical, and wish to learn techniques & practices to advance, enhance, and trust in these skills

  • wish seek guidance as they learn to activate their energy channeling skills

  • wish to better understand what it is that they are channelling

  • seek the support, acknowledgment & acceptance of other like-minded human


Becoming a channel takes practice, and, having been channelling energy through her guided meditations and private healing sessions for the last two decades, there are few better versed in the art than Renée.

What started as a ‘weird’ experience mid-meditation, developing the urge to sporadically speak words she’d never heard before, has developed into a refined ability to fluently voice channelled messages, healing meditations, and energy updates that resonate with hundreds of people at the drop of a hat


This is possible for you, too.


This Channelling Workshop comprises two 90-minute workshops, broken down into segments for you to practice – and integrate – at your own pace.

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The Practical Guide to Manifesting

This isn’t about wishing for something to happen.
This is about simple, practical, actionable daily techniques that will shift your heart coherence and your cognitive perspective – and, in turn, your world.




This isn't about having everything you want handed to you on a platter, or living an ‘easy’ life. Rather, this is about harnessing the tools to live life with ease. To navigate the deep, choppy waters knowing with absolute surety that you are heading in the 'right' direction.

​You are the key player in your life, and – in order to manifest and actively guide your path – you need a clear compass (aka heart coherence & your unique energetic vibration), the ability to make decisions that align with your compass, and the confidence to take action on your decisions.​​

Manifesting is the art of navigating life with ease.


This workshop is for your if:

  • have heard about manifesting, but don’t know where to begin

  • have tried manifesting, but didn’t stick with it

  • feel stuck in a rut, desiring personal transformation and a shift in your life

  • know that there’s an easier way of doing life, but can’t find the path to lead you there

  • are an entrepreneur or run your own business, and want a tool in your backpocket for success

  • have experienced synchronicity, and want to experience its magic more regularly

  • have an open mind


Inside, you'll learn:

  • what manifesting really is

  • how to increase your vibration, your flow state – and how to maintain it

  • how to master the art of conscious decision-making, and eliminate decision fatigue

  • how to take inspired action in your life (and practice trust in the process)

  • how to become – and remain – truly aligned

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Pendulum &
Self muscle testing

Tap into the innate guidance and wisdom you already inherently possess.

If you seek to embrace your intuition and align with the intentions of your higher self, start here.

Imagine having spent your entire life eating soup with a fork, purely because it’s what you were taught and it’s how everyone else does it, only to be handed a spoon.

Pendulum and muscle testing is the spoon for your soup.


This is how you can get so much more out of life, so much more easily.


In this 75-minute workshop, you will learn how to:

  • use a pendulum

  • use whole-body muscle testing

  • use hand muscle testing on yourself

  • use surrogate muscle testing for beings that cannot be tested themselves (e.g. infants, pets, distant clients & businesses)

  • frame your questions/statements for clear answers & guidance

  • ensure you are interpreting answers correctly


Image by NordWood Themes
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In any lifetime podcast

Hosts Renee & Murray dive deep into mindfulness, manifestation, and modern spirituality with grounded chats to inspire you to navigate this lifetime (and beyond) with an open mind.


Join holistic healing facilitators and wellness retreat hosts, Renee and Murray, as they share their real-life experiences and advice on incorporating more magic (or 'woo woo') into your everyday life – because you can be deeply spiritual while staying grounded in your human experience.


Each episode provides simple practices, techniques, and personal stories to help you navigate this lifetime – and others – with ease. Renee and Murray keep it raw and real, deep diving into all of the hard moments and 'holy shit, is this even real' joy of parenthood, PTSD, running businesses as a couple, holding space, wellness, and living with purpose.



Want to be the first to hear about new retreats and offerings at Sunquncha?  Join our mailing list to ensure you get first access before our retreats sell-out! 


We look forward to seeing you on our sacred land soon. 


We promise no spam, just little notes direct to your inbox  from us every now and then to keep you in the loop.

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